
X-Ray Fish: Stunning Free Vector Art & Icons 

X-Ray Fish

Discover the Fascination with X-Ray Fish 

Have you ever considered the story of the Amazon River’s most interesting and beautiful fish? X-ray fish, commonly called Pristella Maxillaris or X-ray Tetras, are equally appealing to artists and aquarium lovers. Not only do their behaviors and skin texture fascinate them, but they also possess qualities that make them exceptional additions to an aquarium.

This blog deep dives into X-ray fishes’ distinguishing features, characteristics, behavioral traits in the wild, and their care in captivity. We will also examine why vector artists widely choose these creatures with such physical appeal, such as art and icons.

A Quick Overview of X-Ray Fish 

The X-ray fish is a small freshwater species native to the Amazon River and coastal waters of South America. Due to their translucent appearance and occasional golden hue, they are often called Golden Pristella Tetras or Water Goldfinches. They thrive in large schools and are typically 2 to 3 inches long. 

First described by American biologist Albert Ulrey in 1894, X-ray fish have since gained worldwide popularity, especially among aquarium hobbyists. 

Key Identifiers 

  • Scientific Name: Pristella Maxillaris 
  • Habitat: Amazon River and South American coastal waters 
  • Size: Typically 2–3 inches long 
  • Appearance: Translucent skin with a subtle hint of golden, yellow, or silver tones 

For those who design vector art or icons, the unique translucence of X-ray fish offers endless creative possibilities. Their scalability as a subject allows for sharp, high-quality, free vector and icon designs that can adorn digital projects, marketing campaigns, or educational illustrations. 

Unique Physical Characteristics 

X-ray fish are named because of their translucent skin. Unlike most fish, their internal structures, such as the backbone and a specialized organ called the Weberian apparatus, are visible through their skin. 

  • Translucency as Adaptation: Scientists believe this feature evolved as camouflage, making them harder for predators to spot as they swim through sparkling, vegetation-rich waters. 
  • Weberian Apparatus: This bony structure amplifies sound waves, enhancing their hearing and making them extra perceptive to their environment. 

These details are invaluable for designers looking to replicate the X-ray fish in vector art. The translucent effect can be cleverly recreated using gradient and layering techniques in tools like Illustrator or Figma. 

Behavior and Social Habits 

X-ray Tetras display schooling behavior, a trait that aligns with their social nature in the wild. They swim in synchrony, which helps protect them from predators and accentuates their graceful movements in an aquarium. 

  • Peaceful Nature: They are highly compatible with many fish species, making them popular for community tanks. 
  • Compatibility: Avoid housing them with more significant or predatory fish, as X-ray Tetras prefer peaceful and harmonious environments. 

This tendency toward community living also makes them an attractive subject for vector artists designing environmental or educational illustrations that depict biodiversity. 

Caring for X-Ray Fish in Your Aquarium 

X-ray Tetras are considered hardy fish that adapt well to most aquarium conditions. For optimal care, here are the key factors to ensure their well-being. 

Water Conditions 

  • Temperature Range: 72–80°F 
  • pH Levels: Neutral levels of 6.0–7.5 
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for a small group 


  • Preferred Diet: High-quality flakes, unrivaled frozen foods, and live foods, including brine shrimp, provide X-ray Tetras with an ideal diet that supports their omnivorous nature.

Tank Mates 

Other small and tame species, such as Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras Catfish, are excellent companions.

Focusing on the correct surroundings, temperature, and diet allows these fish to maintain good health and enhance their glowing bodies.

Breeding X-Ray Fish 

The process of breeding X-ray Tetras is simple. Like their signature peaceful behavior, X-ray Tetras are gentle breeders that can be easily conditioned for breeding in community tanks.

  • Breeding Conditions: You do not need a separate breeding tank, provided the water conditions and food are right.
  • Egg Laying and Hatching: Usually, after eggs are laid, they hatch after sometimes as short as 24 hours. This is when the fry can begin to be fed with powdered food or even tiny live foods, and once they are sufficiently big, they can be given regular flakes.


With their unusual behavior and unique, translucent skin, x-ray fish may appear comical and otherworldly. However, they are wonderful and refine any design project or aquarium. Their striking look and calm social interaction make them ideal for water art enthusiasts and imaginative creatives. You can be sure that the x-ray fish will captivate and fascinate you, whether you seek an addition to a vector art project or an educational illustration or want to liven up an aquarium in your home. Upon viewing these astonishing creatures swimming in their tank, we advise that one should pause and wonder. Indeed, their unique adaptations make them one of a kind and truly beautiful.

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